Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So, out of the blue (almost) it was over 90 degrees today! By the time Brant got home from work, Annie and I were melting inside, so good ol' Daddy fixed that!!

Who'd have thought we'd bring out our sprinkler and bathing suits on April 6th??


Sharrard Family said...

OH I am jealous!! We have 6 inches of snow! Love the pics Looks like Annie loves the sprinkler! :)

Cindy said...

Well I just sent the swimming suit because I was afraid the cute ones would be sold out when it was hot enough to actually use them! (But she is adorable). I have a picture of brant at the same age trying to drink out of a sprinkler in our front yard in North Dakota....it is so similar to Annie in these pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Cindy said...

I think it was hotter in PA than in TX!

pinksuedeshoe said...

Wow, I can't believe how green your grass is. I mean, and it being 90. It's been snowing and sleeting for days here and the grass is still very much a lovely shade of brownish yellow.