Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Snow Kept on Falling

Second snowstorm in a week!! This is AWESOME!!!

Brant got up this morning and had to at least make an effort shoveling while waiting for his boss to call and tell him work was cancelled. She finally did. The shoveling was a losing battle anyway, as the snow just kept picking up speed!

Snow dog!! It's almost covering Memph!

Here's our brick grill . . .

And inside I get to be warm and play with people I love :)

When not battling the elements out of doors, Brant can be seen working out with the Wii Fit :)

Annie has discovered snaps, and when I wear a shirt with snaps, this is what she does . . .

Have a fun Wednesday, everybody!! We sure will! :)


Kathryn Quinn said...

Fantastic pictures! Way to document the morning. We are soooo glad Brant's work was canceled so he can spend the day with you.

Cindy said...

too bad you don't have another room to paint...maybe you can scrape wallpaper! Better yet, do a puzzle, or play Wii all day! Why didn't it snow when I was there?

Spencer G said...

I was wondering if businesses were as kind as PSHB in canceling on account of the snow. I'm glad. Brant shouldn't have to go out in this horrendous weather.

Nancy said...

Wednesday was wonderful! I'm glad you got to enjoy the snow day together. Scott was about to walk to work when he got out in the foot-plus deep snow and turned around and came back. The best!